Winter Survival Guide for Migraine Sufferers

Winter can be a challenging season for migraine sufferers, with cold temperatures and dry air often triggering headaches. Thankfully, migraine management in winter is possible when you’re well prepared. We’ve got you covered with this detailed winter survival guide for migraine sufferers, so you can enjoy all that the season has to offer.

Understanding Seasonal Migraine Triggers in Winter

Many people notice that the frequency of their migraines increases during the colder months. This is because the drop in temperature, combined with dry air and lower barometric pressure, can act as seasonal migraine triggers.

Sensitivity to light can also play a role. Winter days are shorter and often gloomier than bright summer months, leaving many people spending more time indoors under artificial lights and screens, which can exacerbate the problem. (Keep reading for more on managing indoor triggers, such as lighting.) Understanding the impact of seasonal migraine triggers is a crucial part of winter headache relief. Click here to learn more about how the weather affects migraine.

Protecting Yourself from Cold Weather

Harsh winter air can be a challenge for migraine sufferers. For starters, wearing warm, protective clothing (including a hat and scarf) helps prevent sudden exposure to the cold, which will help mitigate the risks of a migraine induced by cold weather.

Transitioning gradually between indoor and outdoor temperatures can also reduce the risk of a migraine attack. One of the best cold weather migraine tips is to layer clothing to help maintain a consistent body temperature. Small adjustments like these can significantly lower the chances of weather-induced headaches.

Managing Indoor Triggers

Indoor environments can often be as problematic as the outdoors during winter. For instance, dry air from indoor heating systems can irritate sinuses, which could lead to headaches. Try using a humidifier to maintain proper moisture levels and reduce the strain on your body.

Additionally, keep in mind that strong scents from holiday candles or cleaning products can also act as triggers. So, it’s best to avoid them if you’re prone to migraines. Instead, opt for natural or scent-free products. Creating a comfortable and low-stress home environment is an important part of winter headache relief.

Staying Hydrated and Eating Well

Hydration is often overlooked in colder weather, but it’s vital for migraine relief. Drinking enough water each day supports overall health and helps avoid dehydration-induced headaches.

Eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables can also boost energy and maintain wellness. Avoiding processed foods and additives known to trigger migraines, such as processed meats, cheese, caffeine, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), is also a smart move. A focus on winter wellness for a migraine can make a significant difference in how you feel.

Building a Migraine-Friendly Winter Routine

Establishing and maintaining a health routine during winter can minimize migraine frequency and severity. Regular sleep patterns are essential, as irregular schedules often lead to headaches, so try to go to bed and wake up around the same time every day, even on weekends. Light exercise, like stretching or yoga, promotes circulation and reduces stress, so as tempting as it may be to cuddle up on the couch, be sure to get up and keep moving through the winter season.

Furthermore, taking short breaks from screens will help prevent eye strain and related headaches. Finding ways to relax and unwind each day can improve overall migraine management in winter.

Leverage Tools for Migraine Sufferers

To help you get through the winter, make sure you’re well-equipped with tools and resources to help you manage your migraines. That means stocking up on ice packs, noise-canceling headphones, medications, and whatever else you need to get through the season.  If you haven’t already, now would also be a great time to talk to your health care provider about other treatment options you can try, like gammaCore™ non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator (nVNS).

Available with a prescription from your health care provider and easy to use on your own, this portable, handheld device is clinically proven to prevent migraines when used just twice daily. You can also use gammaCore nVNS to relieve migraine pain as needed.

To see if gammaCore is right for you, visit our clinic finder to locate a health care provider near you, or contact our dedicated Customer Experience team at 888-903-2673 or